About the Council

Our Values: Proud to be BwD

Our Values have been defined as Trust, Respect, Ambition, Collaboration, and Kindness. 

  • Trust: We believe in and can rely on each other. 

  • Respect: We embrace diversity and value our differences. 

  • Ambition: We have the courage to try new things and strive to be better.

  • Collaboration: We achieve more by working together.

  • Kindness: We are self-aware and considerate in all that we do.

Our People Promise ensures that every single person in our organisation lives and breathes our values and behaviours.

Working here, you have the opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of the residents we are proud to serve. We want you to share our pride in our heritage and our excitement for the future. As the second-largest employer in the borough, with 2,300 employees delivering over 800 services to those who live, work, and study here, we are committed to a shared purpose. Our core values are the guiding principles behind everything we do, shaping our behaviours and decision-making to ensure a consistent and collaborative working environment. Significant effort has also been invested in developing our leaders and managers, who play a crucial role in embodying these values and inspiring their teams to do the same.

Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027

Our Vision: We want every single resident, no matter who they are, to have a good quality of life.

To help us achieve this, we will make progress on four core missions:

  • o   We are incredibly proud that Blackburn with Darwen is a growing borough. Prosperity is a necessary condition of a successful, healthy and thriving place. A strong economy which works for everyone is central to our overarching mission to change people’s lives for the better.

    o   As a Council, we have a proven track record of being forward-thinking in delivering growth and we are working hard to unlock Blackburn with Darwen’s potential to be one of the most important economic centres in the North West.

  • o   Children and young people are this borough’s future. For Blackburn with Darwen to be successful and to continue to prosper, we have to get things right for them.

    o   Young people have told us they want every child and young person to have equal opportunities to fulfil their potential. They told us they want Blackburn with Darwen to be a place that is brilliant to grow up in and that there is information, support and guidance available for their transition to adulthood.

    o   As a Council, we firmly believe everyone in the community should play their part to unlock every child’s potential. By working together with parents and carers, schools, further education partners, community groups and the wider community, we can ensure there are opportunities for young people to be the best they can be.

  • o   Climate change is one of the biggest threats facing humanity. It is a matter of grave concern that needs addressing urgently.

    o   Blackburn with Darwen Council has declared a climate emergency and set a goal to be carbon neutral.

    o   We’ll continue to work with residents and businesses to make sure, as a borough, we are doing all we can to tackle the issue together.

    o   By following our Climate Emergency Action Plan, at the end of the four years of this Corporate Plan, we aim to have made significant progress towards delivering on our ambitions.

  • o   Blackburn with Darwen is a resilient place as has been shown during the pandemic. We are also a friendly and neighbourly place. Hundreds of people in the borough volunteer week in, week out to make the borough better. We will continue to support volunteers and encourage others to get involved.

    o   The borough is also home to beautiful parks such as Witton and Sunnyhurst and spectacular green spaces.

    o   However, the pandemic has starkly shown the health inequalities that exist here.  We can address some of those challenges through our growth programme by making the borough more prosperous and introducing more quality housing. And we will continue to build on our strong partnership links as working together with others is also vital to addressing health inequalities.

    o   Going forward, we know that protecting the most vulnerable in our borough from harm is everyone’s mission. We have effective partnerships in place and we will continue to campaign to highlight the role everyone in the borough can play.

Our two supporting missions make clear that Blackburn with Darwen Council is a Council which is aware of the areas where it needs to improve, is ambitious, innovative , delivers quality services and provides good value for money for residents.

Being an innovative and forward thinking Council

We pride ourselves on being an innovative and forward thinking Council, something which has led the Council to being recognised by peers as ‘Council of the Year’ three times in the borough’s short history. We will strive to continue this approach to the delivery of services, ensuring that residents remain at the heart of everything we do.

Our Supporting Missions

Tackle the budget challenge

The Council is facing tough times financially. Whilst we see the new Government as bringing positive opportunity to the Council, inflation is running high, increasing our costs and demand on our services are increasing especially on our adults’ and children’s services

Our Financial Strategy, ‘Grow, Charge, Save, Stop’, sets out a clear plan of how the Council will endeavour to achieve and deliver a balanced budget. Supported by a robust Medium Term Financial Planning framework, implementing the strategy will be challenging and will require the Council to be continuously improving, forward thinking, creative and innovative.

Further Reading:

Political Make up

Councillor Phil Riley is the current Leader of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

The Council has 51 councillors:

·       Labour: 29

·       4 BwD: 12

·       Conservative: 9

·       Independent: 1


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